On Saturday May 21st the oldest archery tournament in the world – first held in 1673- will hold its 313th meeting. The “antient Scorton silver arrow” sees competitors (gentlemen aged 21 or over) compete for the silver arrow – plus the honour/duty of organising next year’s edition. The tournament is always held in Yorkshire, and this year the venue of choice is at Harrogate RUFC.
Shooting is done two-ways, shooting two-arrow ends over a distance of about 105 yards (100 yards between the shooting lines). No compounds allowed, most archers shoot longbows but recurves (with or without sight) are also permitted.
There is no set number of arrows. After the bugle is sounded to start the shoot at 10:30 there is two hours of shooting, followed by a leisurely three-course meal. Then another two hours of shooting followed by afternoon tea.
I’ve participated three times so this year will be my fourth. Ask me for details if you’re interested, or have a look at www.scortonarrow.com.